"Ricardo Ricorda" is an animated short film about a composer who journeys through his memories to find the perfect melody. The film explores the significance of memories – both good and bad – and how they shape our lives. With your support, we can bring this emotional story to the screen!
And now it’s your turn!
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Do you also have a project that you would like to make reality? Then let's get going! Start your own crowdfunding project on Crowdify:
And now it’s your turn!
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Do you also have a project that you would like to make reality? Then let's get going! Start your own crowdfunding project on Crowdify:
Again and again I find it challening to stop. To catch a deep breath. To slow down. But when I see the world through the lens of my camera - I begin to notice. I walk - and I see. Or better: I'm learning to see. To really look at the world around me. And there are many wonders to be discovered.
An old stairwell holds magnificent colours in its cracking paint on the walls. Rusting valves become wonders in shape and structure - and a little bit of ice on a frozen well turns into a sparkling world when the cold morning sun rises.
But really, it's hard to just talk about those things. And that's why I want to share a few of the discoveries I stumbled upon during my journey in the last years. I want to show you, what I have been learning to see.
And in order to do that - I need your help.
My first official art display will be in the beginning of April (06-11) at the Sauerland Stern Hotel in Willingen, Germany. I get to use the great and bright inner courtyard of the hotel to present my photography.
And to make that happen - there are still a few steps to go. And the biggest one might be the financial one. Since the architecture (and the way I designed this exhibition) require large prints - the costs are a bit larger as well.
Especially for a student.
So I need your help!
If you want to support my photography, this exhibition and my first (bigger) steps into the direction of my (he)art - then click on the right and boost my project!
Thank you so very much!
And now it’s your turn!
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Do you also have a project that you would like to make reality? Then let's get going! Start your own crowdfunding project on Crowdify:
And now it’s your turn!
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Do you also have a project that you would like to make reality? Then let's get going! Start your own crowdfunding project on Crowdify: