"Ricardo Ricorda" is an animated short film about a composer who journeys through his memories to find the perfect melody. The film explores the significance of memories – both good and bad – and how they shape our lives. With your support, we can bring this emotional story to the screen!
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And now it’s your turn!
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Do you also have a project that you would like to make reality? Then let's get going! Start your own crowdfunding project on Crowdify:
You know it: The Coq d'Or in a small town in Switzerland isn't just your normal bar. It's a unique cultural space dedicated to everything from metal to visual art and from literature to indie music with 2 stages and over 100 events a year.
Moving Chicken Run
Verein Hühnerhof
Our hens have to move as their run is turned into a human settelment. Grün Stadt Zürich has found a new place for them and donated a fence. Thank you very much! Now we have to turn the fallow into a meadow, put up a new shed and construct a roof protecting the animals from rain and sun. The finfteen-year-old house has to be renovated and fitted out to meet the chickens' needs. That's what we are trying to finance.
The association "Verein Hühnerhof" has been keeping chicken on the Kronenwiese in the middle of the city of Zürich for more than fifteen years. A dozen beautiful hens live to a ripe old age in a carefully designed house with a wide space to move about. Their enclosure is a pleasent point of interest to many – families with small children on their way to the playground as well as senior citizens living in nearby homes. The hens teach us, where eggs come from and how it works to live in a flock. May our hens live happily at Niklausstrasse ever after the end of April!
Warum der Löwe? Denk mal
Claudia Lengacher
Amici italofoni
Abbiamo bisogno anche del vostro sostegno! Grazie mille!
The world-famous Lion Monument brings every year about 1.2 million visitors to Lucerne. But who knows about the historical happenings of which the Lion reminds us? During two months we wan to tell this mostly forgotten story out of a new perspective by creating a time travel towards to the Lion Monument.
We came up with a conducted tour of about 90 minutes. Using different modern media this exiting and eventful tour will address each and every of your senses. We can offer several highlights. One of which will be the 5x10 meter big historic picture “Tuileriensturm” from 1889. For over 125 years it’s been rolled up and waiting inside of the Alpineum in Lucerne for its moment to shine. We digitized this monumental diorama and by plotting them onto huge wooden surfaces we will show off sequences of it right within the park and the pool right in front of the Lion Monument.
In order to create these conducted tours as promised we are still in need of a considerable large amount of money. The city of Lucerne gave us permission for the realisation of the project as well as a generous financial support, as did the Albert Köchling foundation. Nevertheless, far from all costs are covered. With your help and every single contribution we can reach our goal! The very best of it is that you won’t go away empty-handed. We will acknowledge your support with presents from signed books about the hometown of the Lion (available in german or english) to private tours followed by a dinner in a revolutionary ambiance.
We are collecting money for different parts of the conducted tours about which we won’t tell you the details… because we don’t wish to goof the surprize!
We are a team of young historians and history lovers. Together with the Büro für Geschichte, Kultur und Zeitgeschehen Dr. phil. Jürg Stadelmann GmbH (www.geschichte-luzern.ch) and the graphic artist of meierkolb (www.meierkolb.ch), both located in Lucerne, we brought this project into being.
The goal we set is very high. Please help us to achieve it by donating, sharing the project and promoting it to your friends and family – only together we can spectacularly revitalize the history of the Lucerne Lion Monument!
On the website www.1792-luzern.ch you’ll find more information about our project. We are also actively sharing on Facebook “1792-luzern” and Instagram “1792luzern”.
Thank you for your support!
V-Day Basel
Anissa Yasmin Gabelmann
Johanna Schüpbach
Richard Brown
Thomas Rasmussen
Roberta Spano
Kim Stengl
V-Day is a global activist movement that aims to eradicate violence against women and girls. Through annual V-Day campaigns like The Vagina Monologues, local volunteers raise awareness and gather funds for organizations within their own communities who are working towards the same goals.
The first edition of The Vagina Monologues in Basel took place in 2017. Following the successful premiere, there was much enthusiasm to continue with The Vagina Monologues in Basel on a yearly basis. Which brings us to now: the presentation of the second edition.
There are various aspects to The Vagina Monologues that makes this a unique performance – one that carries a long and varied history of productions throughout the world.
Firstly: this is a play that is based on women’s true accounts. It is, by definition, authentic and adaptable.
Secondly, the production of The Vagina Monologues is a non-profit-based-and-led project, run solely by volunteers.
It is worth pointing out how many people have already contributed their support to this project, dedicating time, effort and passion to its development since spring of this year. This includes the five production team members and 16 cast members, as well as the various individuals who have helped out with filming/editing, proofreading and photography, among other activities.
Thirdly, according to the V-Day guidelines, all profit will be donated to a local organization that aims to end violence against women and girls. This year, like last year, we are donating our profits to Aliena, an organization committed to improving the conditions of women working in the sex trade in Basel. Another guideline we adhere to is to produce The Vagina Monologues both locally and at a low budget. This being said, we are asking for your financial support to help cover our production costs, which include but are not limited to the rehearsal space, the venue and the printing costs. We appreciate any and all contributions!
Severin Meyer
Our set of percussion instrument which we purchased over the last decade has been under heavy use. It shows severe signs of wear and tear and will soon need a partial replacement. But to do so we need generous donors which support us in our cause.
There are many different percussion instruments that see themselves gaining more importance in today’s music. So if we want to continue performing music on a high level and give kids and teenagers in the area the possibility to gain valuable experience we need financial support. If you think we deserve it we ask you kindly to donate to our club. Even a small amount will serve us a lot.
Grin Festival
Domenico Tanese
Nico Fibbioli
Ursula Bucher
Alessandro Ligato
Lio Morandi
L’idea che spinge ad organizzare questo Festival di Musica e Culture è la ferma convinzione che la conoscenza passi attraverso l’incontro, è quello che intendiamo promuovere con il festival Grin. Grin in dialetto di Roveredo vuol dire Grillo, e si vorrebbe che attraverso questo evento le persone si fermassero per una giornata ad ascoltare il canto degli altri; la scelta di un termine dialettale come nome del festival è necessaria ad affermare come l’incontro tra le diverse culture debba partire dalla conoscenza della propria. Grin è anche il suono della parola “Verde” in inglese e in questo caso rappresenta il luogo in cui si svolge l’evento, immerso nel verde, all’interno di un azienda agricola biologica. A livello musicale si vuole riproporre il concerto di musica indiana e integrare altre comunità presenti sul territorio Vallerano:
-Comunità balcanica con concerto del gruppo musicale Balkan Lovers
-Comunità africana con il concerto di Issa Kouyaté e Prisca Guanter
-Comunità indiana con il gruppo indo-germanico Neckarganga
Il programma dei workshop:
- Danza Africana tenuto dalla maestra Cristiana Zenari
- La Musica Classica Indiana tenuto dal maestro di Sitar Shyam Rastogi che propone un viaggio musicale nella sua città natale Varanasi
- Workshop di fotografia di Alessandro Ligato “La natura come immagine statica”
Nella sezione “news” verranno pubblicate le informazioni riguardo ai nuovi workshops in programma.
Il mercato
- Omar Mariani: Strumenti musicali Tank Drum prodotti a Bellinzona
- Bruno Cattaneo: Corni delle alpi prodotti a Roveredo
- Santi Occorso: Flauti di Pan prodotti in Ticino
- Luca Venzi: Thè dal mondo e mobili asiatici
- Associazione angeli del focolare: Manufatti birmani
- Nick Schnieder: Strumenti musicali seconda mano
- Piatti indiani e balcanici
- The artigianali
- Birra e vino mesolcinesi
- Gelato fatto in casa