Termite-free house

A safe home for our children in Mombasa.

Lisbeth Wahli
Lisbeth Wahli

Project Overview

Please support us in building a safe home for the orphans and half-orphans of the LIWA Children's Center. The old building had to be demolished due to multiple termite infestations. The huge inflation in Kenya is having an additional impact on the cost of the new building. Every contribution helps us to offer the children a safe and stable home in Mombasa in the long term!

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9.450 CHF
of 40.000 CHF
of 50 days left
supported project
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
Termite-free house

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    8.000 CHF

    100% funded

    Planung und Vorbereitung - das alte Haus mussten wir bereits abreissen. Für den ökologischen Neubau müssen nun alle Vorbereitungen getroffen und die detaillierte Planung erstellt werden – auch in Kenia ein grosser Kostenpunkt. Danke für eure Unterstützung!

  2. Stage 2:

    16.000 CHF

    18% funded

    Das Geld setzen wir für den Rohbau ein - das Fundament und die Grundmauern. Das neue Haus soll so lange wie möglich standhalten, ökologisch sein und Termiten keine Chance bieten. Das bedeutet für uns hohe Zusatzosten, deshalb sind wir auf euch angewiesen. Danke.

  3. Stage 3:

    24.000 CHF

    0% funded

    Vor allem das Dach ist ein beliebtes Ziel der Termiten. Das alte Haus wurde drei mal durch sie zerstört. Dieser Etappen-Betrag wird in das neue, nachhaltige Dach investiert. Zukünftig soll auf dem Dach auch Solar montiert werden. Die Vorrichtungen dafür werden bereits angebracht. Danke für eure Unterstützung.

  4. Stage 4:

    32.000 CHF

    0% funded

    Die Grundmauern und das Dach stehen, nun geht es an den Innenausbau. Wir verzichten auf jeglichen Schnick-Schnack und achten auf eine praktische Raumaufteilung. Es braucht Platz zum schlafen, lernen, kochen und einen Gemeinschaftsraum für die Kinder. Danke für eure Unterstützung.

  5. Finish Stage:

    40.000 CHF

    0% funded

In Kenya, many children live as orphans or half-orphans in extreme poverty. They lack food and money to attend school and build a life with a future. The Liwa Children Center helps children in need and offers them a home as well as school fees.

Project goal: A new house for the children.
- The children's accommodation was destroyed by termites and had to be completely demolished. The children need a new home.

- The house is to be built ecologically, sustainably and, above all, for the long term in order to provide the children with a safe and stable environment.
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
In 2009, Lisbeth Wahli bought a house in Mombasa, Kenya, and expanded it over the following years. The interior work was completed in 2012, and after a one-year approval phase, the children's and orphanage was opened on May 1, 2013. 16 orphans find a safe home here, financed by sponsorships. A chicken coop supports self-sufficiency and saves costs. Up to five employees on site ensure a regular daily routine and the well-being of the children.
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
Lisbeth is 74 years old and still works 5 days a week for the people in her children's and orphanage in Mombasa, Kenya, her family's home in Africa. Impressed by the helpfulness of the local people and affected by the great poverty, she decided over 18 years ago to help and set up a children's and orphanage. Since 2013, she has been looking after it with all her energy, strength, love and money.
Termite-free house
Termite-free house
Steinen, CH

The LIWA Children's Center is passionately committed to the welfare of children in need. It offers them protection, education and support to give them a better future. In the children's and orphanage in Mombasa, which was built in 2009, 16 orphans and half-orphans have found a safe home. In addition, LIWA Children Center supports many children with school fees, builds water pipes for fresh water and helps the needy people in the village.

Lisbeth Wahli
Lisbeth Wahli
Steinen, CH

Lisbeth Wahli founded the LIWA Children Center in 2009. During her first visit to Kenya, she got to know the beauty of the country and at the same time experienced the poverty of the people. She soon returned to Kenya for another visit. This was marked by the warm hospitality of the Kenyan people. After arriving ill in Kenya, she was immediately treated with natural remedies and gained an insight into the life of a poor Kenyan family.

She decided to pay school fees, school books and uniforms for the family's two children so that they could go to school. During a school visit, she learned that many children are unable to go to school due to a lack of funds and that teachers are not paid without school fees.

She invested the rest of her travel money and enabled three more children to attend school.

Back in Switzerland, she founded the LIWA Children Center and invested a lot of time, passion and money in her project for children in need.

At the age of 74, Lisbeth Wahli would have retired long ago. However, she still works more than 100% in her practice so that she can continue to finance the project. With a big heart and a great deal of commitment, she has been working for the children in Mombasa for years.


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