Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 20. December 2016. Thanks to the 10 boosters that made it possible!

Research on Coaching

Kati and her PhD - help with her tuition fee

Katalin Hankovszky
Katalin Hankovszky Lenzburg, CH
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1.783 CHF
of 1.700 CHF
supported project
Research on Coaching
Research on Coaching
Research on Coaching
Research on Coaching
Yes, I knew it was quite crazy. But I always wanted to achieve PhD (as a training for thinking) and now I have a great opportunity in my country of origin, where research on coaching really needs some boost.
I'm at the half of the doctoral school and I need some support. THX!!
Research on Coaching
Research on Coaching
Katalin Hankovszky
Katalin Hankovszky
Lenzburg, CH
PhD Student, Coach

Quite crazy: I'm a coach, I train coaches and others, growing my family (2 kids) and NOW I'M A PHD SRUDENT in my country of origin.


Awsome friends - I'm happy and reinforced

Awsome friends - I'm happy and reinforced

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dear visitors of this site I want to let you know how amazing reinforcing it is to get such a great support from friends, coll...
dear visitors of this site I want to let you know how amazing reinforcing it is to get such a ...

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CHF 100


CHF 20

Thank you. Let's keep in touch.

CHF 250

My dissertation - in future...


Awsome friends - I'm happy and reinforced

Awsome friends - I'm happy and reinforced

. Publish by Initiator.
dear visitors of this site I want to let you know how amazing reinforcing it is to get such a great support from friends, coll...
dear visitors of this site I want to let you know how amazing reinforcing it is to get such a ...



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Science & Education