Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 25. May 2023. Thanks to the 23 boosters that made it possible!


Children and Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS

CALWHA-M.E.T.I.S Lausanne, CH

Project Overview

The CALWHA project helps children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS. This project supports more than 300 children living in the towns of Ukerewe and Shirati. Through quarterly payments, we provide the financial support necessary to cover the following costs: medical consultation, food, reimbursement of transport costs for children to the hospital, education on their illnesses, etc.

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1.595 CHF
of 1.500 CHF
supported project
We are 8 medical students in Lausanne. We are part of the CALWHA project - Children and Adolescent With HIV/AIDS, of the M.E.T.I.S association

Our crowdfunding is used to raise funds to finance the activity days. These are special days in two Tanzanian hospitals (Ukerewe and Shirati) for children and adolescents with HIV. These hospitals are located in a region where the rate of infected population is higher than in the rest of the country, there is also in this region a big problem on the lack of adherence to the treatment and the stigmatization of people suffering from AIDS.

These activity days are held two to three times a month. They include a complete medical check-up and access to retroviral therapy. We provide the necessary financial resources and direct on-site support to ensure

- Easy access to the hospital by reimbursing transportation for children who come from far away, as many families give up going to the hospital because of the cost of transportation.

- A midday meal for all the beneficiaries of the project.

- An educational course that can cover various topics, such as the importance of taking medication, sexual prevention of HIV, stigma, etc.

- A privileged contact with the hospital's medical staff, in order to encourage a dialogue of trust.

- The possibility for the children to meet each other and play together, in order to fight against the social isolation they often suffer because of their infection.

Since the beginning of the project, we have seen an increase in participation of 215%. This evolution is still growing for the same budget as at the beginning.

What is the purpose of the funding?

The organization works only on a voluntary basis: there is no remuneration of the participants, nor administrative costs (the students themselves take care of the travel and accommodation costs).

The two Tanzanian centers need about CHF 3'500 each (a total of CHF 7'000) to operate for one year. The funding will be used to maintain what has been started (transportation, courses, meals, etc).

One of the tasks of the team that is going to the site this year will be to optimize this investment. These project costs are currently distributed as follows

- 50% transportation
- 25% meals
- 13% school material
- 10 % compensation for local staff

We hope to raise as much money as possible. But we are setting the first bar at CHF1500.

Thank you for your interest in our project and thank you for your donation.

Here are some testimonials about the project:

Hospital staff
"The children are happier now"
"There is an improvement in adherence to treatment"
"The introduction of nutritional supplements and games lead the children to come more often"
"Their physical and mental health is improving"
"The children ask a lot of questions and communicate more... The stigma is still there, but decreasing".

The children
"I am happy to come (to the hospital) and be able to play with the other kids!"

"The nutritional supplements help us a lot"
"My child enjoys these days in the hospital more than before"
"The transportation reimbursement allows me to bring my daughter here regularly to have her treatment, which was not always possible before."

Lausanne, CH

The CALWHA (Children and Adolescents Living With HIV/AIDS) project in Tanzania helps children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS. This project supports more than 300 children living in the cities of Ukerewe and Shirati and reinforces the fight against HIV of the Tanzanian government. We help provide antiretroviral drugs and we organise “Activity Days” 2-3 times a month during which the children receive their treatments and a medical consultation.

Through quarterly cash transfers, M.E.T.I.S. provides the financial support necessary to cover the following costs: food, reimbursement of transport costs for children to the hospital, education on their illness (prevention, destigmatization, sex education, etc.), as well as a play ground.

“Home visits” are organized for visit children who no longer go to the hospital, in order to discuss their problems. All these steps are necessary and increase the interest of children in coming to the center to receive and, in the long term, adhere to their treatment. Since the creation of the project in Ukerewe, the presence of children in the centers has been multiplied by 5, going from about twenty children to more than a hundred.

The objectives of these days can be summarized in 4 points:

- Improve therapeutic adherence to antiretrovirals and reduce the incidence of the disease

- Improve understanding of the pathology and reduce its stigmatization

- Improve the psychological and physical health of children

- Be part of a global fight against the HIV virus

Each year, a team of volunteers from the M.E.T.I.S. works in Switzerland to raise the funds necessary to maintain the project and monitor the smooth running locally (regular communication takes place between M.E.T.I.S. and the hospitals) during the year and on site by going there in the summer. This allows us to reassess the program, monitor its smooth running and adjust it if necessary.

Lausanne, CH
Responsable de Crowdfunding

Je suis responsable de la récolte des fonds pour le projet CALWHA via le crowdfunding. 100% des bénéfices vont aux enfants atteint du VIH en Tanzanie.

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CHF 10

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CHF 30

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Location Lausanne

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