Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 13. July 2022. Thanks to the 165 boosters that made it possible!

«Acho» - the movie

A film about friendship, love and integration

La Siala Entertainment GmbH
La Siala Entertainment GmbH Dinhard, CH

Project Overview

"ACHO" is a Swiss film about friendship, love, home and integration. You can expect a funny comedy with outstanding actors. Zeki, the most successful Swiss social media entertainer, is shooting a feature-length film with Graubünden producer Ditti Bürgin-Brook ("Schellen-Ursli") and director Markus Welter ("Der Bestatter") that shows multicultural Switzerland in a humorous and exciting way.

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132.000 CHF
of 120.000 CHF
supported project
«Acho» - the movie
«Acho» - the movie
Because this is a film project without equal in Switzerland. A smart comedy about "arriving" in Switzerland. A road movie with exciting and surprising twists. A film with heart and humour. A film about friendship, integration, home and Switzerland.

On the film's social media accounts, we are already starting the storytelling for and around the film.

It is a challenge to finance a film project in Switzerland. With a very "tight belt" we would like to have a budget of around 3 million CHF. To raise these funds, we are active on many fronts. This crowdfunding is an important element of our financing.

Become an important part of our project through your donation.
Follow us on social media. Let us surprise you with our extensive storytelling over the next few months. We will keep you updated.

Sincere thanks from Zeki, Ditti, Markus, Samuel and Dieter and all those involved in this amazing project.

«Acho» - the movie
«Acho» - the movie
La Siala Entertainment GmbH
La Siala Entertainment GmbH
Dinhard, CH

For fifteen years, La Siala Entertainment GmbH has been moving with great pleasure and commitment in the world of film, television and media. Contacts, partnerships and good friendships have developed through a wide variety of projects and form our broad, stable and international network. Just as every person is unique, so is our offer. Nowhere else will you find the personal touch of La Siala Entertainment GmbH. Reliability, openness and humanity are just as important to our work as professional competence and sound know-how.

Ditti Bürgin
Ditti Bürgin
Büelstrasse 67, CH

Swiss feature film producer. Initiator and producer of the successful Swiss film "Schellen-Ursli". Ditti Bürgin-Brook produces the film "ACHO" and guarantees Swiss quality and precision with his experience, network and name.

The last two feature films ("Schellen-Ursli" & "Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl") by Ditti Bürgin-Brook were directed by Oscar winners. These films were awarded the Swiss Film Prize (camera), the German Film Prize and the Bavarian Film Prize. A total of 1.7 million cinema-goers in Germany and Switzerland have seen these films.

Zeki Bulgurcu
Zeki Bulgurcu
Wallisellen, CH
Main Actor and Producer

Zeki Bulgurcu is the most successful social media entertainer in Switzerland. Since 2013, he has been entertaining the Swiss people with entertaining sketches and memes on social media. He now reaches over 3 million Swiss people across all platforms. Over the years, his interest in acting grew, so that he made a decision about his next big project a good two years ago: his own feature film.

Dieter Borer
Dieter Borer
Erschwil, CH

Co-Founder and Managing Director of abdate GmbH: Consulting

abdate GmbH manages the mandate Europa-Park, leisure and adventure resort, as a representative office for the Swiss market. Dieter Borer is head of this representative office with the entire spectrum of market development.

Numerous projects in the tourism sector (including the children's and family magazine "Jazooka"). Distinctive networker with enthusiasm for innovation in society, culture and business.

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Co-Founder und Geschäftsführer der abdate GmbH: Consulting

Samuel Roy
Samuel Roy
Wallisellen, CH

With his media company Reachancy GmbH, Samuel Roy produces entertaining and innovative video content for all common social media platforms. With a good 100 videos produced every month, Reachancy GmbH now reaches around 50 million people in German-speaking countries.

Popular goodies

«Acho» - the movie

CHF 70

Bronze: 1 cinema ticket

«Acho» - the movie

CHF 20

This film MUST go to the cinema! Basic Booster

«Acho» - the movie

CHF 600

Become an extra in our film! Plus invitation to the film premiere and mention in the credits


Marco Grenz

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Location Zürich

Film & Video