On the Trail of Tayaro (DE)
A film about home, refuge, father and daughter
Project Overview
The road movie (Swiss cinema film ca. 90 minutes) is about Bave Tayaro, a Syrian Kurd, blessed with 4 wives and 16 daughters. He leaves everything to look for his only son Tayaro in Europe. On the journey, he meets other families in which daughters and mothers are highly regardedHe also learns how much migrants lose to find the supposed dream in Europe.
Funding goals
Stage 1:
110.000 CHF
100% funded
With CHF 110'000.- all mandatory costs for a shooting of 5 weeks are covered. This will pay the salaries of indispensable professionals such as assistant director, director of photography and production, cameraman, sound/lighting, costume and make-up. In addition, travel expenses (visas, transportation, meals and accommodation in low-budget lodgings) are secured with it.
Stage 2:
160.000 CHF
0% funded
With an additional CHF 50'000 we can pay a small salary and some compensation to the main actors and helpers on the set.
Finish Stage:
200.000 CHF
0% funded
With another CHF 40'000.- we can also pay the smaller roles and extras a small salary and have some money for the kick-off of the post production.
Everything we collect over CHF 200'000.- goes into salaries and post production.
Tayaro, his only son besides 16 daughters and 4 wives, disappeared some time ago without a word, supposedly to Europe to seek his happiness. Two of his daughters volunteered to join the YPJ (Kurdish resistance fighters) without asking their father's consent. This is all too much for Bave Tayaro's patriarchal self-image. He is deeply hurt in his honor as a man and head of the family.
One day, he calls all the wives and daughters together to tell them that he is selling everything and leaving for Europe to find his only son.
His journey takes him along the classic refugee routes from Syria, through Turkey, to Greece, Italy and finally to Switzerland.
On the way, he meets other families in which daughters and mothers, unusual for him, have a high value and there is great respect between husband and wife. And he also learns how much migrants lose to find the supposed dream of Europe.
His journey teaches him to be proud of his daughters.

While many young men in the Kurdish Roj Ava have run away to Europe, the women have built up a resistance army (YPJ) and fought for their homeland against the terrorist militia ISIS.
The character Belaliz, a bright, self-confident young Kurdish woman, is the perfect counter-pool to the patriarchal Bave Tayaro. The two different characters travel together for a while and experience dangerous situations and personal conflicts.
Throughout, Belaliz shows independent thinking and opinions as well as great knowledge. Nevertheless, she pays Bave Tayaro decency and respect at all times. Although he is repeatedly ready to simply abandon her for his own goals and he gets himself into difficult situations through his actions and thinking, she helps him out of them again regularly.

Many who voluntarily left their homeland in search of a better life in Western Europe have not found their happiness.
Director and screenwriter Ghamkin can tell from his own experience and remembers the early days when he painfully missed his family: "It's like uprooting a tree and planting it somewhere else. It doesn't blossom to its fullest."
From this personal experience, Ghamkin wants to sensitize others, because they are usually not aware of how much loss the supposed paradise of Europe will mean for many of them.

We would like to show you this footage in the form of a teaser!

The spotlight doesn't suit me, but I don't mind a breath of fresh air at all! In most of the projects I've been involved in up to I coordinate a lot of things, talk to a lot of people and ask a lot of questions. It's fun for me to get involved in valuable projects and I'm always committed to making things happen. I am very happy that Andy asked me to participate in this project!
Only when I make films, I live. Filmmaking is my passion and I love it with my heart and soul. As the director and screenwriter of the movie, it is my concern that I am allowed to financially compensate all the people involved. I have always financed my projects on my own so far, but the second Lockdown unfortunately brought me to the knees. I therefore hope that Crowdify will help me to pursue my passion again.
Over 20 years ago, while looking for a hairdresser, I happened to walk into the opening party of Gham's first hairdressing salon. Gham walked up to me with a big laugh and asked if I wanted to cut hair. He stiffly claimed that the first customer brings good luck. Of course he gave me the haircut (including the audience).
If I brought him luck I don't know, but in any case a deep friendship has developed over the years. I now support Gham far beyond the language barriers. We have written several scripts together and I now share his fascination for filmmaking. My main motivation is our friendship, and everything I give him comes back a thousandfold from him. I wish for Gham that he can fulfill his dream. This film will be successful, please support us.
Ghamkin has not only been cutting my hair for many years, he also enriches my life with his hospitality and inventiveness. We have already worked on several projects together, and I am always amazed at his knowledge of human nature and his imagination. The film idea with the Kurd who searches for his son in Europe and finally realizes what he has in his daughters fascinates me. I would like Gham to realize this film so that I can be touched by it with as many people as possible in the cinema.