Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 09. February 2023. Thanks to the 24 boosters that made it possible!

Animal shelter in Albania

For modern animal welfare in Albania. Location: Durres

JETA Tier und Mensch
JETA Tier und Mensch Wauwil, CH
Angela Senoner
Angela Senoner
Project initiators are tax exempt

Project Overview

Currently, our foster animals live in four different places, up to 2h away from each other. It costs a lot of time and money to meet the needs of all animals. With a central shelter including a small clinic and living space for our employees, we can offer our dogs and cats a nice temporary home until they are adopted and at the same time set a good example for modern animal welfare in Albania. Please support us!

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2.382 CHF
supported project
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
The new animal shelter is to become the hub for the work of JETA Tier und Mensch. On the one hand, the shelter is the central temporary home of our charges. The goal is to create accommodations for about 40 dogs and 20 cats. In the building on the property will be equipped a treatment room for our partner veterinarian. In addition to the storage from the association, break and living space for our employees will also be created. Thus, someone will be on site 24 hours a day to take care of our charges.
In addition, the building will also provide accommodation for volunteers from Albania and abroad who want to spend their vacations doing animal welfare work and support us in our work during that time.
As an animal welfare organization, education is one of the cornerstones of our work. With the animal shelter we also create a place of education, which e.g. schools can visit, so that the pupils learn more about dealing with animals.
The animal shelter is to become a prototype for modern animal protection in Albania, which the state can take as an example.

By the end of the year we want to buy the first part of the property so that we can start the work. At the beginning of next year, the property will be fenced, the first dog boxes will be built and the basic infrastructure will be set up in the building. In spring 2023, the first animals should be able to move into their new temporary accommodation.
We hope to have acquired the entire property by July 2023 and to be able to use the entire site for our charges by the end of 2023.
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
We have obtained our first shelter (animal sanctuary) through cooperation with the city of Durres. Unfortunately, we are dependent on the city's willingness to cooperate. Again and again we suffer setbacks when the city decides to dump garbage in front of our gates or threatens us with eviction. With our own shelter, we break free from this dependency and can offer stable housing to our charges.

As more and more animals had to be taken in by us each time we carried out neutering projects and became better known, we built an additional shelter on the property of our co-worker Zamira. Unfortunately, the terrain is steep and not well protected from the weather. With the new shelter we would like to offer the animals a safe home.

A small part of our dogs live with a mountain farmer in Vranisht, about 2 hours away. The farmer's family takes care of the dogs every day, but the trip to the nearest vet takes an hour. The dogs should also move to the new shelter and thus also have a better chance of adoption.
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
Um unser Ziel von einem besseren Zusammenleben von Tier und Mensch in Albanien zu erreichen, sind wir täglich unterwegs. Unser Hauptfokus liegt in der Stadt Durres, die tausende Strassentiere hat.
Wir führen regelmässig in Kooperation mit anderen Organisationen Kastrationsprojekte durch, um nachhaltig den Bestand an Strassentieren zu regulieren. Daneben setzen wir uns für ein Umdenken gegenüber Tieren in der Gesellschaft ein. Wir gehen auf die Strasse und an Schulen, um auf den richtigen Umgang mit Haustieren und Strassentieren aufzuklären.
Daneben gibt es leider immer wieder Unfälle und kranke Tiere, die wir aufnehmen, aufpäppeln und nach Möglichkeit in Albanien oder dem Ausland vermitteln.
Das Team von JETA Tier und Mensch besteht aus 3 Festangestellten in Albanien, die sich täglich um die Tiere und Projekte kümmern und einem Kernteam von 6 Volontären in der Schweiz und Deutschland, die sich um die administrativen Arbeiten kümmern.
Animal shelter in Albania
Animal shelter in Albania
JETA Tier und Mensch
JETA Tier und Mensch
Wauwil, CH

JETA Tier und Mensch (animal and human) works in Albania for a better life between animals and humans and gives a voice to street animals on the ground. The non-profit organization focuses on spay/neuter projects and awareness raising from school age onwards to bring about sustainable change in Albania.

Angela Senoner
Angela Senoner
Bern, CH
Vice president JETA Tier und Mensch

For almost 2.5 years I have been supporting the Swiss association JETA Tier und Mensch as a volunteer. Animals and their protection are a matter of the heart for me. With the work at JETA, I can support a small association in its mammoth task of promoting animal welfare in Albania. In Albania, pets are abandoned every day and experience violence at the hands of humans. At the same time, we also meet people every day who believe in our mission and are committed to the animals in Albania. Together we are going step by step towards modern animal welfare in Albania.

I live in Bern and work in Zurich in product management in the NPO sector. In my free time I like to do yoga, aerial silk and of course I love to take pictures of cats.


December 24

Merry Christmas!

. Publish by Initiator.
We are happy to have already collected more than CHF 1'600.- for our future sanctuary just in time for Christmas. We...
We are happy to have already collected more than CHF 1'600.- for our future sanctuary ...

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Animal shelter in Albania

CHF 50


Animal shelter in Albania

CHF 150

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December 24

Merry Christmas!

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We are happy to have already collected more than CHF 1'600.- for our future sanctuary just in time for Christmas. We...
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