Goodies are a reward for providing financial support. Goodies should be appealing, imaginative and make people want to sponsor your project. However, they must also be items/services that you can realistically provide to the Booster.
If possible: Create a goodie which is also an advance order. Once a donation has been made, the sponsor will receive the service, product or access to whatever it is that you are working on. For example: Your project is a book. You can arrange for an advance order to be placed for the book (ideally with a personal dedication or something similar) each time a set amount of money is donated. This means that your project page on also serves as a de- facto online shop.
16 ideas for imaginative goodies
- Special purchasing offers
- Special edition goods
- Personal phone call from the director
- A 15-minute Skype chat with the Project Initiator
- A copy of the first draft from the Project Initiator’s notebook
- Original drawing
- PDF version of a book, script or sketchbook
- Exclusive link (for earlier versions etc.)
- A mention in the film credits/booklet/brochure/website/screen
- Personal dedication on CD/DVD
- Invitation to witness the realisation process/test a prototype
- Invitation to the film release or advance screening
- Attendance at the event
- Invitation to concerts/VIP pass
- Personal concert at home
- Personal presentation/film premiere at home
- Limited edition/signed posters, photos, t-shirts, stickers, hats etc.