Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 23. July 2020. Thanks to the 108 boosters that made it possible!

Exploring a new we

Wellbeing, sustainability & mindfulness under one roof

Haus Wabi Sabi GmbH
Haus Wabi Sabi GmbH Lachen, CH

Project Overview

Haus Wabi Sabi will be the first wellbeing space in Switzerland to combine a café, supervised children's area, family lounge, multi-purpose room for courses, events and coworking and an eco-friendly shop under one roof. We focus on sustainability, mindfulness, authenticity and wellbeing. We strengthen families, bring people together, create freedom and offer flexibility. And very tasty waffles. With your support we will open in Autumn 2020.

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27.184 CHF
of 26.000 CHF
supported project
Exploring a new we
Exploring a new we
Exploring a new we
Exploring a new we
Exploring a new we
Exploring a new we

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    18.000 CHF

    100% funded

  2. Finish Stage:

    26.000 CHF

    104% funded

    With another CHF 8000 we can finance the needed equipment such as refrigerator, cake display case, coffee machine etc., as well as diches, cutlery and glasses. We are very thankful for your support!

Café, yoga and event room, coworking space, supervised play area (from walking age), integrated eco-friendly shop. Everything under one roof, like a big house.

We offer parents, especially mothers, the opportunity to leave their child in the supervised play area or in a children's programme, while they care for their own needs in a yoga class, guided meditation, focusing on work or simply enjoying a coffee. We bring people together, relieve families and inspire curiosity..

A combination of offers such as Haus Wabi Sabi is unique in Switzerland. We will start in Lachen SZ and wish that this new way of living together and support will spread as quickly as possible.
Exploring a new we
In today's parenting era, modern parents face unique demands to raise their children in the best possible manner. In the age of information overload and social comparison, parents are under massive pressure to strive for perfection in every aspect of parenthood. Life can feel overwhelming and unfulfilling, far from the dreams and visions we had before our children were born. Without adequate support, so many parents struggle to meet the needs of their family while taking care of their own needs.

The idea for House Wabi Sabi was born out of the desire to show our children a way of living where togetherness and mindfulness meet. Where children and their future - as well as the needs of the parents - are the focus of our actions. Where the focus is on progress instead of perfection. Where each single person is encouraged to feel accepted as they are while also having access to resources that support them with physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Where one can experience appreciation and gain inspiration through mutual exchange.
Exploring a new we
The results of our survey clearly show how diverse the needs of a family are. In a market survey we conducted of 129 parents, more than 76% said that they would often do something for themselves if they could take their child with them and use childcare on site. Over 70% would use a coworking space with childcare.

Our family-friendly space offers a constellation of services that clearly reflect the spirit of the times, namely the desire for community activities, personal growth, conscious interaction, attentiveness, family focus and flexible work arrangements. We aim to relieve the singular burden on families, strengthen women and mothers, and offer a supportive environment for children to play and grow.
Exploring a new we
We envision creating a place where our youngest to oldest guests can feel comfortable without having to be perfect. Wabi sabi is a Japanese concept and means to find beauty in the imperfection of life. We believe that there are no perfect mothers, no perfect fathers, no perfect children, no perfect people. What is important is that we learn to accept life as it is, to find space for self-reflection and care for our inner needs, and to find a way to feel connected to our authenticity.
Thanks to our Crowdfunding Campaign we found one particular person, who was so enthused by Haus Wabi Sabi that we were able to secure a private loan. This means that we need to only reach the last 26,000 Fr. to cover equipment and furnishings and to be able to open in autumn 2020. The finances for construction and operating costs as we start up, as well as the outdoor play ground with herbgarden and the outdoor café patio are secured. We are so grateful for each amount of support that can help us to move past this last financial hurdle. Boost us up!
The café will be the central point of community interaction, from which one can choose to visit any of the other areas. The cozy café ambience invites you to linger - with sustainable and healthy treats (incl. take away) that take environmental, health and ethical aspects into account. Kid-friendly offers are particularly important to us.
The supervised children's area offers a special added value for our guests. The aim is to make the children's stay as enjoyable as possible while giving the parents as much freedom as possible while they work, meet a friend or attend a class at Haus Wabi Sabi.

We focus on sustainable and natural play materials that encourage the curiosity and imagination of children. We are thrilled that a Montessori school principal with more than 30 years of professional experience will be overseeing our children’s area.
Our small eco-friendly shop, which is integrated into the café, offers a convenient selection of low waste and sustainable-produced products related to family life. We want to make conscious consumerism easy.
It is also important for us to focus on products from local partners in order to strengthen the local sustainable economy.
Our offering of classes, workshops and special events is a central part of creating community and provides our guests the opportunity to do something good for themselves and support their children in their development. Classes can be reserved through a house membership or visited on a drop-in basis.
Many parents find it challenging to work with children at home. The multifunctional space will be converted into a Coworking space 3 days a week. A quiet, undisturbed and inviting atmosphere is of central importance for this offer, not only for parents but also for all those who cannot concentrate well at home or need a change of scenery. One can choose between a membership with reservation options or a flexible drop-in approach. A separate meeting room is available for private calls or appointments.
Haus Wabi Sabi GmbH
Haus Wabi Sabi GmbH
Lachen, CH

Haus Wabi Sabi is a place to be, work, play, meet, move, read, discover, enjoy, relax, grow. As multifaceted as life itself, it is a community space where you can meet yourself and others.

Treat yourself to some time out. Enjoy a cup of your favourite drink in a relaxed atmosphere together with your family or friends. In the adjoining multi-purpose room you can participate in a variety of classes or offer courses yourself. We will offer yoga, workshops and events focused around family and social topics. The multi-purpose room will be dedicated to coworking several days per week to allow space for concentrated work. Adjacent to the multi-purpose room, a small room will be available for meetings or coaching sessions.

For our younger guests (as of walking age) we have planned a lovingly furnished and supervised children's area. Older children and teenagers will find a small chillout lounge in the family area.

Our vision is to create a place where openness, mutual support, exchange, networking and affirmation are in the foreground, but where the human being is at the centre. Our guiding values are wellbeing, sustainability, mindfulness and authenticity. As the first community space of its kind, we want to show that solidarity, ethics and business orientation can be combined - we are stronger together!

Michelle Borner
Michelle Borner
Lachen, CH
Co-founder & Manager

Master of Business Administration (Finance), Accountant, Certified Yoga Teacher

Raised in Canada, I have lived in many countries but feel at home in Switzerland with my two children, who are 8 and 10. After many years of working in Financial Services and running Growing Hearts Yoga & More, I am excited now to co-create with others; to combine my passions and business know-how with the complementary skills and personalities within our team. I am passionate about creating positive change in this world by bringing people together to inspire each other and lead the way forward.

Arjeta Qerreti
Arjeta Qerreti
Wangen, CH
Co-founder & Manager

Master in Educational and Environmental Sciences UZH, Certified Project Manager

For more than 24 years I have been involved in various charitable organisations. Whether with Terre des Hommes, Pro Juventute, Greenpeace or ethics in teaching, public child and youth work or as a teacher at the University of Applied Sciences, everywhere it was my concern to create opportunities to strengthen each other for an understanding cooperation. I like to bring the most diverse people and ideas together in order to abolish boundaries. Openness, curiosity and modesty are very important to me, because I believe that this connects.

Andreas Blaser
Andreas Blaser
Pfäffikon, CH
Core team - IT & Sustainability Advisor

Sustainability and nutrition have inspired me for many years and I always try to integrate them into my professional work. Compassion, mindfulness and non-violent communication are important guidelines for my actions. My two-year-old daughter reminds me daily of how crucial these values are for our coexistence. At Haus Wabi Sabi I can contribute my strengths and learn something new everyday from my dear colleagues.

Regina Minger
Regina Minger
Wangen, CH
Core team - HR & Coaching

Trained in PR and HR, I enjoy working with people and especially with women. In my mid-twenties I lived in Canada for 6 years where I entered the world of meditation and coaching. Now I live in Switzerland again with my husband and two children and guide women through their everyday challenges.

My passion is to go into depth. Not in water but in thoughts. To lose myself within and with others and to find out what makes us tick. What prevents us from being happy, why we feel helpless or angry in certain situations, why children do the opposite of what we want and how we can find our way back to our centre and bring this strength to the outside world - in everyday life, in business, in the family.

Haus Wabi Sabi enables me to get in touch with many people and to touch them with a smile, a coffee, a conversation or encouraging words.

Anjum Amirtham
Anjum Amirtham
Altendorf, CH
Core team - Catering & Event Manager

I come from a background steeped in the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan and India and am a keen student of hand woven textiles. As a cultural event manager, I have organised corporate and private events for various clients all over Switzerland and the Alsace region of France. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and social work and a Master’s degree in Social Work. I speak English, German, Swiss-German, Hindi, Urdu and Tamil. I am a mother to two grown children and live in Altendorf, close to Zurich.

Janine Grimm
Janine Grimm
Galgenen, CH
Core team - Doula & Communication

40 years young, mother of two, wife, doula, yogi, bon vivant, woman, former marketing and sales assistant, housewife

Change is the only constant in life. In myself I find peace and finally truthfulness. Yoga encompasses everything and connects me with everything. I am happy to be able to participate in Haus Wabi Sabi and to be able to create a loving space for you. As a doula I am a spaceholder for mother, father and child. With mindful devotion and childlike anticipation I engage in all encounters, during pregnancy and on the day of birth from Haus Wabi Sabi.


July 25

Woohoo! You boosted us to success!

. Publish by Initiator.
We are overwhelmed, grateful and so happy for all of your support! Thanks to you we can open as planned and are...
We are overwhelmed, grateful and so happy for all of your support! Thanks to you...
10 Days Countdown and Big News!

10 Days Countdown and Big News!

. Publish by Initiator.
Dear boosters, we are now on day 20 of our crowdfunding campaign, and have exciting news to share! Firstly we would ...
Dear boosters, we are now on day 20 of our crowdfunding campaign, and have exciting n...

Popular goodies

Exploring a new we

CHF 30

It's a Surprise!

Exploring a new we

CHF 45

Handmade Organic Cotton Washcloth

Exploring a new we

CHF 50

Coffee beans, regionally roasted and prepared


July 25

Woohoo! You boosted us to success!

. Publish by Initiator.
We are overwhelmed, grateful and so happy for all of your support! Thanks to you we can open as planned and are...
We are overwhelmed, grateful and so happy for all of your support! Thanks to you...



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Category Society
Location Lachen
