Our Partners

We have the pleasure of working with the following great partners.


Unterstützt die Ukraine!

Unterstützt die Ukraine!

Bei Crowdify sind alle Projekte, die der Ukraine und ihren Menschen helfen, von der Kommission befreit. Es fallen nur die Kosten des Zahlungsanbieters an (max. 3%).

So geht's:
Beim Erfassen deiner Projektdaten wählst du die Kategorie "standwithukraine" aus. Deine Projekteingabe wird anschliessend geprüft und wenn alles passt, ist damit dein Projekt von der Kommission befreit.



Die ABS ist eine sozial und ökologisch orientierte Bank und stellt ihre ethischen Grundsätze immer in den Vordergrund. Jeden Monat unterstützt sie auf Crowdify ein besonders ökologisches und soziales Projekt mit einem Extraboost von 1‘000 CHF.




moneta is a print and online magazine that appears four times a year in German and French. It is published by the Alternative Bank Switzerland (ABS). The magazine is edited by an independent editorial team.

moneta focuses on the phenomena of the money cycle as well as on the impact of money in society and the economy. The magazine communicates the latest economic forms (environmentally and people-friendly) and sees itself as a forum for alternative projects and ideas. moneta also repeatedly takes a stand on economic and financial policy issues, highlighting economic interrelationships.



Die Online Plattform für sämtliche Drucksachen, maxiprint.ch.
Jetzt online bestellen und schon morgen über Ihre Produkte verfügen.
Alle Preise inkl. Lieferung und MwSt. Bei maxiprint.ch erhalten Sie die persönliche Beratung auf 044 4 400 400 oder per E-Mail team@maxiprint.ch
Gemeinsam mit Maxiprint offerieren wir jedem Crowdify Projektinitiatoren 500 Projektflyer.

University of Applied Sciences Graubünden

University of Applied Sciences Graubünden

The University of Applied Sciences Graubünden is an innovative and entrepreneurial university of applied sciences with over 2000 students. The Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE) cooperates in various projects with Crowdify and generates scientific insights based on project and platform data for these projects



Every year, IFJ accompanies 20’000 founders all over Switzerland with advice, workshops, business plan tools, presentations from experts, events, business software, and our portal for incorporation.



Baselcrowd is the contemporary way to use the power of the crowd. The platform makes it possible for many people to put their heads together to find ideas and solutions for the region. Baselcrowd organises public brainstorming sessions, thus exploiting the creative potential of the public, actively involving the population and promoting the development of the region.

Creative Hub

Creative Hub

Since 2013, the Creative Hub has been helping Swiss creatives to commercialise innovative products and services - economically, ecologically and socially. In addition to training modules and networking events, it offers access to a broad network.
Together with Crowdify, the Creative Hub presents promising projects from the Swiss creative industry on the Crowdfunding platform.



Swisspeers is an independent crowdlending platform that allows companies to raise debt directly from investors, i.e. without the intermediary of a financial institution. swisspeers offers investors the opportunity to make interesting direct investments in small and medium-sized enterprises.