Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 30. March 2023. Thanks to the 62 boosters that made it possible!

Multimedial Shark Project

A transmedial campaign for shark-conservation.

Robyne Dubief
Robyne Dubief Winterthur, CH

Project Overview

I am going to launch a campaign for shark-conservation in Switzerland using Photography, Videograph, Text and an Event. The topic is extremely important, even tho sharks live far away from us. My content, which will be available on Social Media, a Website, in Print and at the Event, will be produced while traveling for one Month. Whilst on the road I will be capturing images of sharks in their habitat and do interviews with experts and NGO'S.

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10.155 CHF
of 10.000 CHF
supported project
Multimedial Shark Project
Multimedial Shark Project
Multimedial Shark Project
Multimedial Shark Project
Multimedial Shark Project
Multimedial Shark Project

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    2.000 CHF

    100% funded

    This stage allows my project to be realised. In order to create exciting and honest content about shark conservation, there is no way around travelling out of Switzerland.
    The trips enable me to get in touch with people who can explain the circumstances and have experienced actual contact with sharks. It's also the only way I can get authentic pictures and videos of the animals themselves.

  2. Stage 2:

    3.500 CHF

    100% funded

    At this stage, I can get to know the animals safely and consciously in their environment. A diving course with a focus on respect for the underwater world is crucial for me. For this, of course, I need the appropriate equipment (snorkel, mask and fins). Renting these materials is unfortunately quite expensive.

  3. Stage 3:

    4.500 CHF

    100% funded

    When this stage is reached, I can realise the project with camera equipment that I can use all day, everyday and all over the world. Unfortunately, rental shops very rarely allow you to take the equipment abroad, which is unavoidable for this project.
    It is also important for me to work with appropriate and suitable equipment to ensure that the results are convincing and convey my message.

  4. Stage 4:

    7.000 CHF

    100% funded

    With 7000 Swiss francs, the post-production, the print production and possibly even the rent of the event room can be covered. The distribution of the pictures, videos and texts is a huge part of the project and money has to flow here as well. On the one hand, the public transport advertising spaces have to be paid for, the web hosting of the website and the social media ads. And on the other hand, I want to make sure that my content reaches the widest audience possible, which will be linked to additional costs.

  5. Stage 5:

    8.500 CHF

    100% funded

    If I reach 8500 swiss Francs, this whole project can be taken further. I will be able to check off one more location before coming back to Switzerland for post production and distribution. This would allow the contents to be broader, cover more information and give more imagery.

  6. Finish Stage:

    10.000 CHF

    101% funded

    If 10,000 Swiss francs are reached, which I very much hope, the project can be implemented in its fullness. Travel, interviews, photo and video gear, diving equipment, post-production and distribution, event room, expert discussions and with all this a step towards shark conservation in Switzerland.

The media has been portraying sharks as bloodthirsty hunters with a lust for human flesh for years. Films like Jaws, The Meg or Sharknado support this belief.

The fact that sharks do not like human flesh at all does not matter to the media at this moment. Nor does the fact that the shark population of many species is endangered, seem to cause much excitement in Switzerland.

With my project I am drawing attention to this issue. With pictures, video and text material, I show the Swiss population another side of the animals. One that you hardly ever see in mainstream media.

The sharks are photographed and filmed in their habitat. In addition, people who have had their own experiences with the animals or who can competently explain why shark conservation is also relevant for our Swiss ecosystem, will be interviewed

The content will be brought to the people via social media, web and print during and after the production. The aim is to break down the stigma surrounding sharks and give the animals and their protection a space in our everyday lives.
Robyne Dubief
Robyne Dubief
Winterthur, CH
Multimedia Producer

Pictures speak louder than words, don't they? That's what I think too.

This project is about sharks. And the way they are portrayed in the media. With my project, I would like to capture the world of sharks from a different angle and draw the attention of the Swiss population to this subject from a new perspective.

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Multimedial Shark Project

CHF 70

Oversized T-Shirt

Multimedial Shark Project

CHF 20

Personal Thank You Card

Multimedial Shark Project

CHF 50




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Category Media
Location Winterthur
