Italian with English and German Subtitles
Patty, Ste and Lollo are three close friends grown up in the same suburb. Lollo is a spoiled young boy, Patty always had to take care of herself and Ste has very strict parents who have great control on their son’s lifestyle. The three of them are waiting for something that will change their boring and empty life. They spend their time drinking and complaining about everything. But the big change has to come from themselves. They got to stop waiting for their redemption without doing anything to gain it.
The main character of Carvina is an actual Scratchcard. The themes (Lottery, scratch-and-win, Gambling, Casino) have always affected the world and ruined many lives. The belief that life can be improved through a winning card, is a system created to deceive people. The conviction that the chance of living the life of your dreams, might happen every day.
Patty, Ste e Lollo sono tre amici di vecchia data cresciuti nello stesso quartiere di periferia. Lollo è un giovane viziato; Patty una ragazza abituata a cavarsela da sola; Ste un ragazzo succube dei suoi genitori.
I tre stanno aspettando qualche cosa che cambi la loro vita monotona, vuota e insoddisfatta che li porta a vivere un'esistenza sregolata. Ma niente viene regalato e niente cade dal cielo. Il cambiamento deve venire da loro. Devono smettere di credere che il benessere dipenda da fattori esterni.
Il protagonista di Carvina è un biglietto della lotteria. I temi (lotterie, gratta e vinci, scommesse, casinò) hanno hanno da sempre una grande influenza sulle persone. Credere di poter cambiare vita grazie a una vincita è un meccanismo nato per dare alle persone l’illusione che da un giorno all'altro possano cominciare a vivere la vita che hanno sempre sognato.
Patty, Ste und Lollo sind drei gute Freunde die im selben Stadtrevier aufgewachsten sind. Lollo ist ein verwoehnter Junge, Patty hat sich immer allein um sich selbst gekuemmert und Ste hatte schon immer Schwierigkeiten, sich mit seinen strengen Eltern durchzusetzten. Die Drei warten darauf das Etwas ihr langweiliges, leeres und unzufriedenes Leben veraendert, jedoch wird im Leben nichts geschenkt. Die Veraenderung muss von ihnen kommen, sie sollen nicht auf diese warten. Die Hauptfigur in Carvina ist ein Los (Lotterieanteilschein). Die Themen (Lotterie, Wette, Spielbank) sind seit immer mit der Menscheit verwickelt und viele Leben zerstoert. Dass man sein eigenes Leben durch ein winnendes Los verbessern kann, ist ein System um die Menschen zu betruegen und um sie dazu bringen zu denken, dass man ein Traumleben, von einem Tag auf den anderen, gewinnen kann.
My name is Elena Aglaja Amadò and I am a Swiss Actress. I was born in Lugano and I soon realized that my life would have being dedicated to the world of Storytelling.
I co write Carvina and I will be acting in it as well.
My name is Alberto, I'm 21 years old and I graduated last October at the Accademia dei Filodrammatici in Milan.
My name is Andrea and I'm a Swiss actor. I was
born and raised in Lugano. In 2010 I graduated at the Beatrice Bracco Drama Academy in Rome, where I currently live.
Showreel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpsSrGLpB0g
I am Luca, I work at the RSI but I also manage to direct music video and my next goal is Carvina! On this page you can have a look at my work: