Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 25. May 2022. Thanks to the 39 boosters that made it possible!

Education for Dalits, NPL

Support the Dalit Homestay Community to learn English

Aapshawara Community Dalit Homestay
Aapshawara Community Dalit Homestay Tanahun, NP

Project Overview

Dalit Homestay is the first homestay in Nepal run by the Dalit community with the aim of counteracting caste-based discrimination, generating income and strengthening the Dalit community's self-esteem through tourism activity. In order to facilitate interaction with guests and foster Dalit self-reliance, the Dalits are in need of English lessons.

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3.820 CHF
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Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
The Dalits, an oppressed minority at the bottom of the Hindu caste hierarchy, have been discriminated against and marginalised for many years. Your donation will enable an English teacher to work in a Dalit homestay programme in Nepal and help the Dalit community to gain independence by welcoming guests from all over the world.
Education for Dalits, NPL
Dalits have been treated as untouchables for generations and thus discriminated against and excluded from many areas of social life. Almost half of Nepal's Dalits still live below the poverty line.

Hands-On Institute, an educational travel organisation based in Nepal, advocates for oppressed communities in Nepal by bringing them together with students from around the world to develop understanding, foster connection with each other and broaden worldviews.

In 2014, the community of Aapshawara, a village between Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal, was approached by Hands-On Institute to discuss the possible establishment of a community shelter. Today, twelve families are officially registered as host families under the Dalit Homestay Programme. The homestay provides a platform for guests to learn about the practices of the caste system and the stories of Dalits, who have been oppressed and discriminated against for centuries. In addition, the homestay provides an opportunity to learn about and experience the lives of local people. So far, over 300 people from 18 countries have experienced the hospitality of the Dalit community.

However, as the Dalit community speaks very limited English or other foreign languages due to limited access to education, communication between tourists and locals is often an obstacle. In order for the Dalit homestay programme to develop and continue to attract guests from all over the world, a first step is being taken with an English school in the village. In order to offer the Dalit community the opportunity to learn English and to promote and strengthen the exchange between tourists and locals as well as the community itself, we want to raise money so that the Dalit Homestay Programme can employ an English teacher.

Education for Dalits, NPL
The donations will enable an English teacher to teach at the Dalit Homestay for one year.
Your donation will not only improve the English language skills of the Aapshara community, but will also help to increase the Dalit's self-confidence, improve education and promote exchange between cultures.
Education for Dalits, NPL
Education for Dalits, NPL
Aapshawara Community Dalit Homestay
Aapshawara Community Dalit Homestay
Tanahun, NP

In 2014, the Aapsara community was approached by Hands-On Institute to discuss the possible establishment of a community homestay. Hands-On Institute is an educational travel organisation based in Nepal which advocates for the needs of disadvantaged populations in Nepal by bringing them together with students from all over the world to develop understanding, foster connections and broaden worldviews.

Charlotte Müller
Charlotte Müller
Arch, NP

We are four tourism students at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre. In our sixth and last semester, we are taking the module International Tourism and Social Enterprises. Together with Hands-On Institute, we want to start a crowdfunding project to support the Dalits in Nepal. We are four tourism students at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre. In our sixth and last semester, we are taking the module International Tourism and Social Enterprises. Together with Hands-On Institute, we want to start a crowdfunding project to support the Dalits in Nepal.

Laura Steiner
Laura Steiner
Reutigen, NP

We are four tourism students at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre. In our sixth and last semester, we are taking the module International Tourism and Social Enterprises. Together with Hands-On Institute, we want to start a crowdfunding project to support the Dalits in Nepal.

Fabienne Michel
Fabienne Michel
Ostermundigen, NP

We are four tourism students at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre. In our sixth and last semester, we are taking the module International Tourism and Social Enterprises. Together with Hands-On Institute, we want to start a crowdfunding project to support the Dalits in Nepal.

Joel Stucky
Joel Stucky
Grengiols, NP

We are four tourism students at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre. In our sixth and last semester, we are taking the module International Tourism and Social Enterprises. Together with Hands-On Institute, we want to start a crowdfunding project to support the Dalits in Nepal.

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