Crowdified! Ce projet a été financé avec succès le 16 Novembre 2023. Merci à tous les 43 boosters qui ont rendu cela possible!!

La naissance d'Héra

Marque de lingerie fine suisse

Héra Lingerie
Héra Lingerie Meinier, CH
Chloé Gerber
Chloé Gerber

Aperçu du projet

Soutenez la création. Héra est une marque de lingerie fine suisse créée par une femme, pour des femmes. En effet, chaque femme est d'une beauté unique et mérite de se sentir bien dans sa tête et dans son corps, à travers sa lingerie et l'histoire qu'elle représente.

5 005 CHF
de 30 000 CHF
projet soutenu
Héra Lingerie

English version

Hera, goddess of protection and female personification, makes sense in a fine lingerie brand. Its creator, Chloé Gerber, established in Switzerland but whose origin is Greece, draws on her resources and is accompanied by the goddess to sublimate women and let them bloom in total freedom. Every woman is beautiful, every woman is unique and deserves to flourish in a fine and powerful lingerie at the same time.

Designed by the designer in Switzerland in a sexy and romantic spirit, comfort largely finds its place to accompany women in their daily lives, with love and without hindrance, in a feeling of freedom and power.

Produced in Europe, Héra Lingerie also wants to be as responsible as possible to our planet, offering us its wealth from far beyond Greek antiquity.

Join us on our journey through the art of fine lingerie. Discover Héra Lingerie and explore a world where every woman can be who she wants to be, without compromise. Beauty lies in diversity, and at Héra we celebrate this diversity with love, elegance and passion.

Goodies populaires

La naissance d'Héra

CHF 30

Tote bag

La naissance d'Héra

CHF 90

Un ensemble à choix

La naissance d'Héra

CHF 20

Personnalisation avec initiales


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