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LiveScout - Trust in Live

CHF 2.000

2400CHF CashBack+

Thank you very much for your participation. As a thank you, you will receive a 2400CHF discount voucher from us for our LiveScout platform. Redeemable up to a maximum of 20% of the respective project budget.


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unlimited availability

This offer is part of this crowdfunding project:

LiveScout - Trust in Live

Global network saves time and money

Johannes Blaser
Johannes Blaser Lütisburg, CH

Project Overview

Our project creates a global platform where people worldwide can complete tasks flexibly. Here, you can find a local scout who shares live impressions via video call—right at the agreed time. This way, clients save valuable time and costs while receiving precise and reliable information.

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4.020 CHF
of 75.000 CHF
of 30 days left
supported project