EUR 23
Personalized Bible Dedication
Offer Supporters the opportunity to have a Bible distributed to a rural church with a personalized dedication inside. it can be a verse or message to be included, acknowledging their support.
EUR 23
Offer Supporters the opportunity to have a Bible distributed to a rural church with a personalized dedication inside. it can be a verse or message to be included, acknowledging their support.
We are reaching out to our community with an opportunity to make a significant impact. We are aiming to purchase 176 Bibles for youths, children and church elders in rural churchs of TANZANIA. Each Bible (Swahili Union version) costs approximately 11.1 EUR, and with a total of 176 needed, our goal is to raise 1955 EUR. These Bibles will not only provide spiritual guidance but also foster a deeper understanding of faith in our community. Thank you