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RicArdO RicOrdA

CHF 270

Ricardo's Treasure Chest

For your great interest and immense support, you will receive something truly special. For contributions of 270 Swiss Francs or more, you will receive a unique piece with a strong connection to the film. This box contains fragments of the film and its storyline, as well as culinary specialties from my hometown in Puglia, Italy. With this gift, we want to show our deepest appreciation for your generous support. Thank you for joining us on our journey and making our project possible! Grazie Mille!


Planned delivery date

June 2025

Goodie limitation

unlimited availability

This offer is part of this crowdfunding project:

RicArdO RicOrdA

an animated short film

Marco Grosso
Marco Grosso Wiler b. Seedorf, CH

Project Overview

"Ricardo Ricorda" is an animated short film about a composer who journeys through his memories to find the perfect melody. The film explores the significance of memories – both good and bad – and how they shape our lives. With your support, we can bring this emotional story to the screen!

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1.560 CHF
of 6.000 CHF
of 50 days left
supported project